Main Training

School is always in session.


Get the most out of your application!

Our skilled support specialists are ready to help you make optimal use of your software — and to do things you didn’t know could be done! ResultsPlus is taking a more personalized approach to training including more class options, shorter class times, and interactive learning. With so many options, you’re sure to find the individualized training you need.

About Our Approach

Each session is scheduled for 60 minutes and limited to one session per day. Our experience has shown that training done in one-hour increments is easier for clients to schedule, enables better retention, and allows enough time to provide a lot of information that can immediately be put to use in your organization.

About the Classes
A one-hour training session can cover one topic or be a combination of two topics (30-minute each). You may have up to 5 people from your organization in a session. All sessions will be recorded and available for download upon completion. Cost per session is $250.00, which is due upon completion.

The time commitment, intended audience, a brief description, and paired training recommendations are included in the list below:

Making ResultsPlus Your Own

Category: Administration, Pledge Processing, Gift Processing, Constituent Processing

Description: Learn how to customize your lookup screen, your quick entry forms, and the custom corner of your Executive Summary screen to give you more information at a glance.

Intended audience: Users with rights to Administration and data entry users

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Adding and Editing Constituent Records, Pledge Processing, or Gift Processing 1 or 2

Adding and Editing Constituent Records

Category: Constituent processing

Description: Learn how to add and edit constituent records, as well as adding new codes to the system and use of quick entry forms and defaults.

Intended audience: Data entry users with rights to add new codes.

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Tribute Processing, Gift Processing 1, or Pledge Processing

Gift Processing 1

Category: Gift Processing

Description: Discuss the Batch tab and the Audits window, review the standard gift entry screen as we enter outright, in-kind, and anonymous gifts.

Intended audience: Data entry users with rights to gift processing.

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Gift Processing 2

Gift Processing 2

Category: Gift processing

Description: Learn how to enter split gifts, pledge payment, matching gifts, and soft-credits.

Intended audience: Data entry users with rights to gift processing.

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Gift Processing 1 or Recurring Batch Entry and Tips for Speeding Up Gift Entry

Pledge Processing

Category: Pledge Processing, gift processing

Description: Learn how to enter pledges and enter payments.

Intended audience: Data entry users with rights to gift and pledge processing areas

Time Commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing Recommendation: Gift and Pledge Adjustments

Tribute Processing

Category: Constituent entry, gift processing

Description: Learn how to enter new tribute records, notificant records, tribute gift entry, and generate notification letters.

Intended audience: Data entry users with rights to gift processing.

Time Commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Adding and Editing Constituent Records or Gift Processing 1

Gift and Pledge Adjustments

Category: Gift processing, pledge processing

Description: Learn how to issue a credit memo to negate a gift, how to delete a posted gift, and discuss why you might choose one over the other. Also, find out how to make adjustments to pledges that have payments associated with them.

Intended audience: Data entry users with rights to gift processing, pledge processing, and the right to edit gifts after posting.

Time Commitment: 30

Pairing recommendation: Pledge Processing or Gift Processing

Recurring Batch Entry and Tips for Speeding Up Gift Entry

Category: Gift processing, performance codes

Description: Discuss the use of a recurring batch and the process for creating, editing, and posting a recurring batch. Also included, speeding up gift entry by making a quick entry form and setting defaults.

Intended audience: Data entry users with rights to gift processing and rights to set up performance codes.

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Gift Processing 1 or Gift Processing 2

Mail Merge for ResultsPlus Online Customers

Category: Mail Merge

Description: Learn how to create documents off of existing templates, merge letters, and troubleshoot the two most common mail merge errors.

Intended audience: Users with rights to mail merge.

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Basics of Query or Gift Processing

Mail Merge for Installed Customers

Category: Mail Merge

Description: Learn how to use the Mail Merge Wizard to create new merge documents and merge them.

Intended audience: Users with rights to mail merge.

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Basics of Query or Gift Processing

Make Global Updates with Mass Update

Category: Maintenance

Description: Find out how you can use the Mass Update function to globally add or change code, sum a query of gifts, and even the most recent gift to a specific fund code.

Intended audience: Users with rights to administration

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Duplicate checking and Making Global Code Changes

Duplicate checking and Making Global Code Changes

Category: Maintenance

Description: Learn how to identify and merge duplicate records using the Merge Constituents Wizard and also learn how to globally change constituency, fund, campaign, and appeal codes.

Intended audience: Users with administrative rights

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Making ResultsPlus Your Own

Basics of Query

Category: Query

Description: Discuss the five steps of the query design screen and the purpose for each step, then walk through the building of some basic queries.

Intended audience: Users with rights to create queries.

Time commitment: 30 minutes

Pairing recommendation: Snippets, Default Query, and the Quick Report Wizard

Snippets, Default Query, and the Quick Report Wizard

Category: Query

Description: Learn how to use the query quick report feature to create a quick printable report. Plus, discuss how to set up query snippets and a default query, and why you'd choose one over the other.

Intended audience: Users with rights to create queries. Default query requires rights to Administration.

Estimated time: 30

Pairing recommendation: Basics of Query

Complex Queries - Fun with Ands, Ors, and Parentheses

Category: Query

Description: A deep dive into more complex queries that mix Ands, Ors, and parentheses. Be sure to bring your queries to class for real world examples.

Intended audience: Users with rights to create queries.

Time Commitment: 60 minutes

Pairing recommendation: NA

Advanced Table Joins in Query

Category: Query

Description: The query designer links the tables for you so you don't have to. The problem with that is sometimes you need to change the standard linking to look at data from a different direction. In this training module we will discuss how to tell Results to find the names of tributes or soft-credited people instead of the actual donor names. We can also find related and affiliated records using this method, too.

Intended audience: Skilled query builders

Time Commitment: 60 minutes

Pairing recommendation: NA

Importing 1: New Records and Updates to Existing Records

Category: Importing

Description: Learn how to import a file of all new records, import updates to existing records, and import a file of a mix of new and existing records.

Intended audience: More advanced users who have a good familiarity with the database.

Time commitment: 60 minutes

Pairing recommendation: NA

Importing 2: Gifts to Existing Records and Gifts to New Records

Category: Importing

Description: Learn how to import a file of gifts to records that are already in the database and also to do imports to create new records and then the donations from those new records.

Intended audience: More advanced users who have a good familiarity with the database.

Time commitment: 60 minutes

Pairing recommendation: NA

Personalized Training

Category: Any

Description: To be discussed with your RP trainer

Intended audience: Everyone

Time commitment: 60 minutes

Pairing recommendation: None
